Overcome Your Back Pain with Chiropractic Therapies

11 April 2022

Chiropractic therapies




Chiropractic Therapies

A variety of different chiropractic therapies are available, and you may wish to learn more about some of these. Learn more about spinal traction, deep heat therapy, light electrical pulses, and cold laser therapy. A chiropractic adjustment is a fast, precise adjustment that focuses on the spine. Chiropractors are experts in the relationship between the spine and nervous system, and their treatments are highly effective in improving general alignment and range of motion of many joints. Chiropractors use a popping sound when making adjustments, which is normal and serves to direct their attention to areas that need treatment.

Spinal traction

Chiropractic therapies for spinal traction are a nonsurgical alternative to surgery and other forms of decompression therapy. They stretch your spine and relieve pressure on spinal discs. By releasing pressure on the discs, spinal traction allows a steady flow of blood to the discs, promoting healing and relieving pain. The techniques are usually administered by a chiropractic practitioner. A chiropractic therapist will determine if spinal traction is right for you.

One form of intersegmental traction involves rolling rollers along your spine from one end to the other. The rollers are operated under computer control and activated by a chiropractor. The table holds your spinal column while the therapist activates the rollers to stretch and release the spine. The therapy is effective for treating herniated discs, which are caused by the soft center of the spinal disc pushing through a crack.

Deep Heat Therapy

Deep heat therapy is a form of therapeutic massage, usually given by a trained therapist in a chiropractor’s office or a physical therapy center. It works by using energy waves to penetrate deep into the body tissues, thereby creating heat. Deep heat therapy is not recommended for patients with severe numbness or pain, bleeding tendencies, or conditions where the patient’s body temperature is difficult to regulate. It is not recommended for people who are pregnant or have difficulty regulating their body temperature.

The benefits of deep heat therapy include reducing pain signals to the brain and increasing muscle flexibility and stiffness. Heat therapy is an excellent addition to a chiropractic treatment regimen, but it rarely produces maximum results. Some patients may be too sensitive for this treatment, while others may be too swollen or bruised to benefit from it. And because heat can cause adverse side effects, heat therapy is not recommended for people with cardiovascular conditions, as it can damage the body’s delicate internal organs.

Light Electrical Pulses

Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is one of many forms of chiropractic therapy. This therapy uses electrodes placed directly on the skin to deliver light electrical pulses to targeted muscles. It can relieve back, neck, and sacroiliac pain by reducing inflammation and relaxing muscle spasms. But EMS is not for everyone. Pregnancy and certain skin sensitivities may make this therapy unsuitable.

Low-level laser therapy is another form of light electrical stimulation. This therapy uses low-level lasers to emit pulses of light to targeted regions of the body. The benefits of this therapy are countless. Low-level laser therapy is FDA cleared and has undergone many trials. It has also been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, increase blood flow, and enhance the functionality of tissues. And although there are still a lot of questions surrounding its effectiveness, it does appear to be a promising treatment.

Cold Laser Therapy

Chiropractors can use Cold Laser Therapy to relieve pain caused by a variety of conditions. Cold laser treatment is a proven method of pain relief. This method uses a cold laser to target the area to be treated, triggering an increase in cellular production of ATP. These extra energy levels are used by cells to repair and rebuild tissues. Additionally, cold laser therapy improves circulation, bringing healing ingredients into the cells and assisting in the expulsion of fluids. The laser treatment was found to have a positive effect on patients with facet joint pain.

Many patients enjoy the fact that cold laser therapy does not involve the use of medications. Patients typically choose this method over other methods because there are no side effects. The treatment is non-invasive and can be combined with other forms of treatment. While cold laser therapy does not work instantly, the pain and inflammation it causes can be greatly reduced with multiple treatment sessions. Some health insurance companies will not cover cold laser therapy, but some practitioners offer payment plans for patients who cannot afford it.

Therapeutic Stretching

Therapeutic stretching is a low-impact treatment used to improve muscle strength and flexibility. It is a proven way to correct muscle imbalances and prevent new injuries. A chiropractor uses therapeutic stretching to loosen tight muscles and restore muscle balance. Regular stretching can also reduce tension and prevent injury. It can also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle by preventing injury. Here are some examples of ways a chiropractor can help you achieve maximum benefits from therapeutic stretching.

Chiropractic Therapies

The primary treatment for neck, back, and head pain is joint manipulation, but many chiropractors also perform manipulation on other parts of the body to relieve muscle spasms. Chiropractic therapies target the source of pain and can reduce doctor visits. Massage therapy and therapeutic stretching are also common methods used to reduce scar tissue and fluid, and can relieve muscle spasms. Chiropractic therapies include therapeutic stretching and massage to address the cause of the pain.

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