How to Maintain Joint Health – Try These Tips On How to Keep Joints Healthy

26 April 2022

joint pain

Joint Health And Maintenance: Things You Should Know

When you’re looking for information on how to maintain joint health, here are some tips to keep your joints healthy and lubricated. Included are moderate intensity aerobic exercises, global and local muscle strengthening, and avoiding positions and movements that put extra stress on your joints. Also, consider Glucosamine and other supplements to maintain joint health. This information may be useful for you as you begin to learn more about this subject.

Moderate intensity aerobic exercise

Moderate aerobic exercise is important for maintaining joint health. You should aim to perform approximately 2.5 hours a week of moderate-intensity activity. You should gradually increase the intensity of your exercise sessions until it is comfortable for you. Moderate aerobic exercises can be done on an elliptical trainer or bicycle. You should avoid high-impact exercise like sports and marathons because these activities are difficult on the joints.

Balance of global and local muscle strengthening

The human body has two distinct systems: the global and the local. The global system provides the bulk of movement, while the local system supports the spine. Muscles of the local system provide stabilization during joint motion. While there is no direct link between local and global muscle strengthening and joint health, local strengthening can increase joint stiffness and stability. In this study, participants performed abdominal drawing-in maneuvers to isolate the TrA and LM muscles.

Avoiding positions or movements that put extra stress on joints

To maintain joint health, avoid positions or movements that put extra stress on your joints. Try spreading the weight of objects when lifting them. If possible, use your palms, and use padded oven mitts when handling hot dishes. Carry heavy loads close to your body instead of lifting them with your elbows. Also, avoid using your hands as a lever. Use a splint when lifting heavy items.


Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance that plays a critical role in the formation of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. These substances are essential building blocks of joints, and they are prone to breakdown and wear over time. Glucosamine has also been shown in animal studies to delay cartilage breakdown and promote cartilage rebuilding. Glucosamine can help prevent osteoarthritis and improve joint health, but it is best to consult a physician before taking dietary supplements.


Chondroitin and glucosamine are both important ingredients in joint cartilage. They help maintain joint strength by resisting compression and attracting fluid to the joints, which help to lubricate and cushion the joint. They also help in the formation of collagen, which supports the structure of cartilage. Glucosamine and chondroitin affect 31 different proteins in the joints, which may play a role in the reduction of joint pain and swelling.

Vitamin D

The role of Vitamin D in joint health is widely recognized, especially in patients with arthritis. This nutrient aids in the absorption of calcium and helps strengthen bones and joints. However, many people don’t get enough Vitamin D through diet and sun exposure. It is therefore important to supplement to prevent deficiency and support joint health. Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation improves joint comfort, strength and mobility, even in healthy subjects.

Joint Health – Benefits and Risks 

In addition to relieving joint pain, glucosamine and chondroitin can also prevent joint degeneration. A number of past studies have produced conflicting results; some found that people felt slightly better after taking glucosamine and/or chondroitin, while others found no benefit.

Check with your doctor about potential interactions with other medications you’re taking. Furthermore, these unproven products are not regulated by the FDA. If you don’t see any improvement after taking these supplements for a few months, stop taking them.


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