Chiropractic Manipulation Options in Sacramento County for Chronic Muscle Pain

30 November 2022

Chiropractic Manipulation Options in Sacramento County for Chronic Muscle Pain

Chiropractic manipulation, also known as spinal manipulation, is a therapy used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal problems, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches. The therapy involves the use of the hands to apply a short, sharp thrust to a joint in the spine, usually the lower back.

Proponents of chiropractic manipulation say the therapy can help relieve pain and improve function. However, there is limited evidence to support these claims. A review of studies on the use of chiropractic manipulation for back pain found that the therapy was no more effective than a placebo in relieving pain.

Manipulation may be helpful for some people with neck pain, but the evidence is inconclusive. Some studies have found that manipulation is no more effective than other treatments, such as massage or physiotherapy, in relieving neck pain. Other studies have found that manipulation is more effective than other treatments.

There is some evidence that manipulation may be helpful in treating headaches, but the evidence is not conclusive. A review of studies on the use of chiropractic manipulation for headaches found that the therapy was no more effective than a placebo in relieving headaches. However, another review of studies found that manipulation was more effective than other treatments, such as drugs or physiotherapy, in relieving headaches.

Chiropractic Manipulation and Back Adjustment 

Chiropractic manipulation and back adjustment techniques are used to treat a variety of health conditions. The goal of chiropractic care is to improve spinal health and relieve pain. Chiropractors use a number of techniques to adjust the spine, including manual manipulation and spinal mobilization.

These techniques can be helpful for treating conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and chronic headaches. Chiropractors may also use other therapies, such as ice or heat, to reduce inflammation and improve healing.

Chiropractic Manipulation Options in Sacramento County for Chronic Muscle Pain

Chiropractic manipulation and back adjustment may also help to improve joint function and mobility. It can help to reduce pain and improve daily activities.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, talk to your chiropractor about the benefits of chiropractic care. Chiropractic manipulation and back adjustment may help you get relief from your symptoms and improve your quality of life.


Overall, chiropractic manipulation is a reasonable treatment option for low back pain. Although the research on its effectiveness is limited, what evidence is available suggests that it is at least as effective as other common treatments.


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