How Can a Chiropractor Help TMJ?

12 April 2022

can chiropractor help tmj


How Can a Chiropractor Help TMJ

When someone suffers from TMJ, they may want to visit a chiropractor for treatment. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge between the lower jaw and the skull. When the temporomandibular joint is malfunctioning, a person will experience pain in their jaw muscles and limited range of motion. Although the symptoms of TMJ may differ from person to person, most patients experience tension, pain, and limited range of motion in their jaw.

What is TMJ?

While there is no single diagnostic test for TMJ, symptoms can resemble those of a toothache or sinus problem. Your dentist can diagnose your condition through a physical exam and imaging tests. Occasionally, you may need to undergo a x-ray to see if TMJ is the cause of your symptoms. A medical professional will recommend a treatment plan based on your symptoms and assess your TMJ. Read on to learn more.

Treatment options for TMJ may include occlusal equilibration, which adjusts the jaw and prevents it from clenching. Other treatments include orthodontic treatment, which may help you get your teeth back into place, and physical therapy, which may be helpful to retrain your jaw muscles and joint. Another common treatment for TMJ is a nightguard. Alternatively, a custom-made device called a Nucal TMJ Immobilizer (NTI) can help keep your back teeth from grinding and clenching during sleep.

benefits of chiropractic care for tmj

Chiropractic care for TMJ pain has a number of benefits. This treatment option is easy to administer and has minimal side effects. While spinal decompression therapy is an option for treating TMJ pain, it has some risks and may not be appropriate for everyone. Chiropractors also perform hands-on palpitation and order X-rays to evaluate alignment. A chiropractor may also recommend lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms.

A chiropractor’s focus on the three muscles that affect the TMJ joint is crucial for resolving the problem. This treatment also works on the jaw joint and associated areas. A chiropractor’s treatment may also include exercises that strengthen the muscles involved in chewing. The masseter is a muscle that can be felt when the hand touches the cheek. The temporalis muscle, meanwhile, is an essential part of the jaw that helps people chew.

chiropractic and tmj research

A recent review of 800 papers focused on the relationship between chiropractic and TMJ disorders revealed that chiropractic care is effective at reducing the symptoms of TMJ and related upper extremity disorders. The causes of TMJ complaints are multi-factorial and may be related to cervical spine restrictions and postural alterations. Physiological conditions, such as arthritis, bruxism, and degenerative joint diseases may also cause TMJ complaints.

TMJ pain is the result of misalignment of the jaw. Accidents, jaw clenching, and teeth grinding can all cause misalignment of the joint. Lifestyle factors, including poor nutrition, skeletal malformation, and age-related deterioration, can contribute to the development of TMJ. While medication and other non-pharmacological treatments can help to manage the pain, they cannot cure it, and it is unlikely that these treatments will be effective in eliminating TMJ-related headaches and jaw pain.

How chiropractic jaw adjustment works

If you’ve been struggling with TMJ for years, you may have tried everything from over-the-counter pain relievers to muscle relaxers and even surgery. You may have even tried TMJ massage therapy and orthodontic care. If none of these options worked, you may wonder if chiropractic care would help you. Read on to find out how chiropractic care works for TMJ. A chiropractic adjustment may be just what you need to get back on track.

A chiropractor can treat your TMJ problem by making sure your jaw is properly aligned. By using special tools, they can help you find the right adjustment for your condition. This way, you won’t have to deal with a headache every day! Another benefit of chiropractic care is that it’s a safe and effective way to treat jaw pain. A chiropractor’s skill with the hands will ensure you’ll get the best results.

chiropractic jaw adjustment before and after

TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a common condition that can cause severe pain and interfere with daily functions. In some cases, a chiropractor can help with the symptoms of TMJ by realigning the jaw. TMJ is often associated with headaches and neck pain and can even lead to lockjaw. In addition to pain in the jaw, chiropractic care can help alleviate TMJ symptoms through soft tissue work that helps to loosen the muscles in the mouth.

How Can a Chiropractor Help TMJ?

A chiropractor will perform a comprehensive examination and perform soft tissue techniques to adjust the jaw. The chiropractor will adjust the jaw by putting two fingers against the jaw joint. The masseter muscle is the thickest of these muscles, and the chiropractor will need to apply repeated pressure to loosen it. The chiropractor will also examine the temporalis muscle, which is thinner. Chiropractors will also examine the muscles of the face, neck, and shoulders to ensure that the joints are in proper position.


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