Chiropractors Help With Herniated Disc Relief

12 April 2022

Chiropractic help with herniated disk




Chiropractors Help With Herniated Disc Relief

Are you looking for Chiropractors for herniated disc relief? If so, then you have come to the right place. Here you will learn about Chiropractors, Cox(r) Technic, and Spinal fusion. You will also learn about the benefits of chiropractic treatment for herniated disc. You will feel more comfortable and relieved after your visit. During your appointment, your chiropractor will ask you some basic questions and perform a thorough physical exam.


A herniated disc is a common condition and is easily treated with changes in work and posture. However, severe cases can cause chronic pain. To help you get through this painful time, chiropractic care can be very helpful. Paul Grindstaff, a chiropractor in Crystal Lake, IL, is affiliated with a variety of local hospitals. He will perform a thorough exam and develop a treatment plan for your herniated disc.

Many people who have a herniated disc will benefit from chiropractic care. Chiropractors use non-invasive methods to relieve pain from disc protrusion and other chronic conditions. Chiropractic treatment treats the entire body, rather than just the pain in the spine. Hence, it is a good alternative to drugs. For example, if you’ve tried medications for your herniated disc but have not found relief, chiropractic therapy may be the best option for you.

Cox(r) Technic

A chiropractor can help with a herniated disc by utilizing Cox Technic, a chiropractic technique that has been around for decades. Using a specially designed table, chiropractic doctors can adjust the patient’s spine to achieve the desired effect. The table moves in various directions and the patient lies on the table, with a specific movement pattern for each segment. The movement pattern helps increase circulation in the soft tissues, which promotes healing and improved mobility. This treatment is best for herniated discs and has been used by chiropractors in the east coast for decades, but has been slow to take hold in Texas.

In addition to Cox(r) Technic, chiropractic physicians continue to emphasize documentation and the clinical examination. The founder of this technique, Dr. James M. Cox, states that the clinical examination is critical to positive clinical outcomes. For this reason, chiropractors who practice Cox(r) Technic have the highest success rates in treating herniated discs. This approach is effective for people who experience back pain, pregnancy, post-surgical continued pain, and bilateral leg pain.


Depending on the location of the herniated disc, the pain can radiate from the lower back to the buttocks, thighs, calf, and foot. In rare cases, a herniated disc can occur in the neck or shoulder. Pain can be accompanied by weakness or numbness. Regardless of location, chiropractic care may help you recover and get back to your daily routine.

The first step in treating your herniated disc is determining which of the many options are best for you. Often, conservative treatment is the best choice to relieve pain and avoid further injuries. However, if the pain persists, you may need to consider treatment from a spine surgeon or pain management specialist. Both of these options carry risks. It is best to get an evaluation from a qualified healthcare provider to avoid unnecessary surgeries and side effects.

Spinal fusion

A surgeon can fix a herniated disc with spinal fusion surgery. The procedure consists of placing a bone graft in the area between the vertebrae, where the disc is located. Sometimes, the surgeon will also use synthetic bone substitutes. In most cases, the surgery will involve a large incision in the back. This type of procedure is also known as open surgery. There are several risks involved with this surgery.

A spinal fusion for herniated disc involves removing a portion or the entire disc to relieve pressure on the nerve roots. Other common causes of pressure on the nerve roots are bone spurs, bulging discs, and thickening ligaments. Once the pressure is relieved, a surgeon will fuse the vertebrae. The new disk will then hold the damaged vertebrae together. The procedure can result in a permanent reduction of pain.

Noninvasive chiropractic care

Chiropractic care is a noninvasive treatment method that is designed to reduce pressure on the affected disc. The chiropractor performs these manipulations on a specialized table that allows them to move your spine with light force and a pumping rhythm. After an initial assessment, your chiropractor will recommend the next steps and begin therapy. A chiropractor is known for their high-quality knowledge and dedication to their patients. A chiropractor will be with you throughout the entire process.

Chiropractors Help With Herniated Disc Relief

Chiropractic doctors specialize in the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine and back. Chiropractic care can alleviate pain caused by herniated discs by removing pressure on the nerves and keeping the spine in proper alignment. This helps improve overall health as spinal misalignments disrupt nerve communication. Noninvasive chiropractic care can also help with the recovery process and improve wellness overall. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe alternative to surgery and drugs.

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