Chiropractor Jaw Adjustment and Laser Therapy

25 April 2022

chiropractor jaw adjustment

Chiropractor Jaw Adjustment

Chiropractic jaw adjustment can help you correct misalignment in your TM joint. The adjustment is done by stretching the muscles in your face and re-aligning them. In some cases, laser therapy can be used to correct misalignment. This article will discuss both methods. Make sure you choose the right one for you. Weigh all the pros and cons to make an informed decision. Whether a chiropractic adjustment is right for you will depend on the cause of your pain.

Misalignment of the TM joint

One of the first things you may notice after a chiropractor jaw adjustment is that your jaw has become misaligned. The cervical curve should be negative 42 degrees. However, over time, this curve may shift and shunt your jaw forward, causing wear and tear on the joint. To avoid these issues, make sure to avoid foods that can damage your jaw. Soft foods, such as soft fruits and vegetables, are better options than crunchy foods.

Your jaw is a complicated area of the body. It is composed of many important muscles, bones, and nerves. A chiropractor can realign this complex area to restore proper function. A misaligned jaw can cause pain, difficulty chewing, and inflammation around the joint. This condition is called temporomandibular disorder (TMD), and it can lead to a range of problems and require specific treatment.

Chiropractic jaw adjustment

Chiropractors use various methods to adjust the jaw, ranging from manual to instrumented. Chiropractic jaw adjustments can greatly improve the condition of your jaw. In many cases, they are even able to correct millimeter-scale misalignments. By using chiropractic care, you can eliminate pain associated with TMJ. Read on to learn more. Listed below are some benefits of chiropractic jaw adjustment. Once you’ve tried chiropractic jaw adjustment, you’ll probably never look back.

Chiropractors use various soft-tissue techniques to release the muscles around your jaw. For example, a chiropractor might place two fingers against your jaw and apply repeated pressure. They might also use four-finger pads to loosen your temporalis muscle. The massage technique may be used for both kinds of muscles, but the masseter is typically the most common. Once the masseter is released, a chiropractor will use a different type of adjustment to correct the problem.

Laser therapy

Low-level laser therapy is an effective treatment option for treating TMJ dysfunction. Lasers stimulate blood flow to the jaw, which helps in reducing cellular waste. The therapy also improves jaw function by encouraging angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels. The resulting increased blood supply allows for easier jaw adjustment. Patients who have undergone oral surgery are also often prescribed pain medication to help with the discomfort. Regardless of the cause of TMJ pain, laser therapy can provide relief for many patients.

Studies have found that low-level laser therapy has positive results for various musculoskeletal conditions, including headaches, neck pain, and back pain. When used alongside other modalities, laser therapy is a more effective solution. This technology can also help patients with chronic conditions, such as whiplash caused by a car accident or work-related injury. For these reasons, chiropractors are increasingly using laser therapy as a part of their treatment regimen.

Treatment plan

For those experiencing TMJ pain, a chiropractor jaw adjustment can provide relief. The procedure realigns the bones of the jaw, reducing irritation and allowing soft tissues to heal. The procedure may also affect the nervous system, facial structures, and upper body. In addition to relieving TMJ pain, the treatment may help improve your general wellbeing. Read on to learn more about how jaw adjustments can improve your life! In addition to addressing your TMJ symptoms, chiropractor jaw adjustments can also reduce stress.

Chiropractor Jaw Adjustment

A chiropractor specializes in treating the spine and the back, but they can also help with jaw pain. Using manual adjustments, a chiropractor can treat TMJ symptoms and restore proper jaw movement. During a treatment session, a chiropractor will analyze the specifics of your injury to determine which treatment methods will work best for you. They may recommend exercises, ice or heat application, soft tissue massage, or joint manipulation. A chiropractor may also suggest physical therapy and laser therapy, if needed.

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